Be a Part of Shaping Israel’s Future.
We invite you to join us today and support Israeli medicine and innovation for the benefit of humanity.

Canadian Friends of Rambam’s work is crucial for the development of the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel. Please use our online donation system below to donate securely with a credit card or Paypal account. Please be assured none of your information will be publicly shared.
Canadian Friends of the Rambam Medical Center is a not-for-profit organization. Checks can also be made payable to “Canadian Friends of Rambam” and mailed to Canadian Friends of Rambam, 365 Bloor St. E., Suite 1910, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3L4 Canada.
For more information about planned giving, special projects, bank transfers, or naming opportunities, please contact Canadian Friends of Rambam at