With over sixty years of experience treating war and trauma casualties, Rambam has become one of the world’s leading experts in trauma medicine. The Trauma Center was established to share that expertise with professionals from around the world, who come to Israel and to Rambam to study emergency-preparedness, trauma care and mass casualty response.
Rambam’s Teaching Center for Trauma, Emergency and Mass Casualty Situations has trained more than 3,000 medical professionals from 61 different countries since 1999.
A mass casualty situation is an event that requires a hospital to treat a number of injured people beyond its capability to absorb and treat. Such a situation can be a result of a natural disaster or terrorist attack, and can happen anywhere. Rambam’s experience has dramatically contributed to the body of knowledge related to trauma, emergency and mass casualty situations. This has been translated into lifesaving results—Rambam’s mortality rate for severe trauma patients is the lowest in the country.
Rambam Health Care Campus fulfills a unique role in Northern Israel as the largest medical referral center in the region and its only Level 1 Trauma Center.